Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kara Fratto Candidate for State Rep received CLT 2 1/2 PAC Endorsement

The Woburn Advocate ( reported:

"Kara Marie Fratto, the Reading resident who is challenging incumbent State Rep. James Dwyer, D-Woburn, for the 30th Middlesex House seat, has won the endorsement of CLT’s 2 1/2 Political Action Committee.

CLT’s 2 1/2 PAC, the political arm of Citizens for Limited Taxation, was originally created to support candidates who would defend Proposition 2 1/2 in the State Legislature. It now endorses candidates who support taxpayers on a variety of issues, and uses the CLT Legislative rating to identify pro-taxpayer legislators.

Francis J. Faulkner, executive director of the PAC, said the group endorsed Fratto based on her strong support for tax limitation. “We need to put people like Kara Fratto in the State Legislature to continue the fight for the income tax rollback and to block any attempt to impose new taxes. Kara has also taken the taxpayer protection pledge. This pledge asks candidates to ‘oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.’ “

“In serving the best interests of the taxpayers and the economy, we urge the voters of the 30th Middlesex District to vote for Kara Marie Fratto on Nov. 2,” Faulkner said.

Fratto has also been endorsed by Mass Citizens for Life."

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