For Immediate Release
April 9, 2013
Tim Buckley
Statement From Chairman Hughes On Passage Of $500M Tax Hike
Boston- Kirsten Hughes, Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman issued the following statement in response to the House of Representatives’ vote to approve $500 million dollars in tax increases:
"While I respectfully disagree with Governor Patrick on his reasons, I agree he should veto the $500 million tax increase passed by the Democrats in the House. It is surely frustrating to hardworking families to see the Governor and his fellow Democrats in the Legislature reflexively turn to tax increases when they have failed to truly reform state government. They promised us $6 billion in savings in the 2009 transportation reform bill, but have failed to deliver. House Republicans yesterday offered an alternative transportation plan that would solve many funding problems without raising taxes. The Democrats in the Legislature rejected this sensible reform effort in favor of higher taxes. The Democrats have paid lip service to the promise of 'reform before revenue,' and voters will remember this next year."
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