Wednesday, April 10, 2013

House Republicans Propose Transportation Finance Bill

The Capitol View

House Republicans Propose Transportation Finance Bill

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R- North Reading), Representative Steven S. Howitt (R-Seekonk), ranking Republican on the Joint Committee on Transportation, and Representative Peter Durant (R-Spencer) are joined by their House Republican colleagues in proposing an alternative transportation finance bill – free from any statewide tax increases.

“The House Republican Caucus has repeatedly stated that transportation is a core government function, and agrees that there is a daunting problem looming before our transportation agencies,” said Representative Jones. “However, through the targeted use of surplus revenue and meaningful cost-saving reforms, the Commonwealth will be able to provide a transportation system that its citizens have come to expect – and deserve.”

click here to read more

House Republicans Vote Against $500 Million in Tax Increases


CONTACT: Susann Koelsch

(508) 888-2158 /

April 9, 2013

House Republicans Vote Against $500 Million in Tax Increases
Republicans' Tax-Free Transportation Proposal Defeated by Democrats
BOSTON - Representative Randy Hunt (R-Sandwich) joined House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R- North Reading) and the House Republican Caucus in voting against a Democratic-led transportation finance proposal which contained $500 million in tax increases.

Click here to read more

Fundraiser Reception for Dan Winslow

There is a reception for US Senate Candidate Dan Winslow on April 21 in Winchester.
Sunday, April21
Home of Mike Mazzarella & Paul MacDonald
444 South Border Rd.
Winchester, MA 01890
To attend, RSVP to Sarah Schultz at
Suggested donation is $50 (Friend)

Statement from MAGOP Chair on Passage of $500M Tax Hike

                                      For Immediate Release

                                            April 9, 2013


                                               Tim Buckley


Statement From Chairman Hughes On Passage Of $500M Tax Hike

Boston- Kirsten Hughes, Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman issued the following statement in response to the House of Representatives’ vote to approve $500 million dollars in tax increases:

"While I respectfully disagree with Governor Patrick on his reasons, I agree he should veto the $500 million tax increase passed by the Democrats in the House. It is surely frustrating to hardworking families to see the Governor and his fellow Democrats in the Legislature reflexively turn to tax increases when they have failed to truly reform state government. They promised us $6 billion in savings in the 2009 transportation reform bill, but have failed to deliver. House Republicans yesterday offered an alternative transportation plan that would solve many funding problems without raising taxes. The Democrats in the Legislature rejected this sensible reform effort in favor of higher taxes. The Democrats have paid lip service to the promise of 'reform before revenue,' and voters will remember this next year."


Republican US Senate Debate on Wednesday, 4/10, 7PM

The debate between the 3 candidates will be aired live tonight at 7PM on WBZ TV and Radio

Greater Boston Tea Party Rally

Greater Boston Tea Party is hosting a Tax Day Rally at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common this Saturday, April 13th, starting at noon. To learn more about the event, speakers and the schedule click here

Sullivan Endorsements

Former US Attorney and former State Rep Mike Sullivan announced that he has received the endorsement of several MA State Reps (Marc Lombardo, Jim Lyons, Shaunna O'Connell), State Senator Bob Hedlund and Sheriff Tom Hodgson in the Republican US Senate Primary

Winslow Endorsements

Boston Herald Endorses State Rep Dan Winslow in the Republican US Senate Primary Click here for more information